Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

Blog Post 12

"A Vision of K- 12 Students Today"

Watch this video and write a three paragraph response to what you have seen. Write about your thoughts and what you can apply to your teaching strategy through this video.

My Response

I feel like this video is very inspiring and challenging to current and upcoming teachers for several reasons. The first point that really challenged me was the fact that students are digital learners. There are so many resources out there today to engage a student in learning. Ebooks are a great resource to use in the classroom. So many books have gone digital and I feel this is a great way to listen and comprehend.

A second point I really liked was the statistics presented about how so many individuals do not graduate from high school and end up working so many jobs. Why is this? There are many reasons, however, students should never say school is boring. As teachers we have to engage our students in learning. Obviously, we are going to have some students that will not want to engage, but we must always try. We must always present our best effort to help encourage the academic success and future of our students.

Another point I really liked about the video was all the various digital electronics presented in the video. A camera, computer, ipod, e-readers,blogging,etc. This type of interactive teaching is what todays students want and need. Allowing the students to interact through blogging with other students and schools opens up a brand new way of learning and engaging in the classroom. Allowing students to create a "lesson" on a particular subject matter and teaching to the class opens up interaction, communication and self confidence. Using todays tools that students are so involved with, and using it for academic purposes only makes sense. Students are wanting to learn, it is up to us to evaluate, think and act on what we have learned and continue to learn about this generation.


  1. I have used this before. Maybe I'll go back to it.Thanks.

  2. I enjoyed the video, it certainly seemed like it belonged in this class. I'm not a huge fan of statistics but these were appropriate for getting the message across. I also like the idea of using the tools and gadgets that kids are most familiar with, as part of their coursework. Good post.
