Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog Post 9

After reading Mr. Mcclung's post I gathered several important points that will definetely aid me in the classroom. First, being flexible and communicating with the students is a big deal. As teachers, we have to be willing to adjust our schedule and how we conduct the classroom. Problems will arise and we have to be aware of this fact. We must also take the time to build relationships with our students. What we invest in our students will eventually start showing.

Secondly, as teachers we have to be aware of the latest technology and see how it can be used for our benefit in the classroom. Technology is constantly changing, and it is up to us to educate ourselves. Students can benefit from this knowledge. There are many benefits to utilizing modern technolgy in the classroom.

Thirdly, listen to your students. This is a huge concept. Teachers can never listen enough. Students are desperately wanting to be heard. We have to take the time to see life through their perspective. Listening is a major key to success among students on a personal and academic level.

My comments on Mr. Mcclung's post consisted of me saying that I thought his ideas of being a successful teacher were very helpful and encouraging. I feel like he truly did want to help other teachers by the ideas he presented in his post. Mr. Mcclung is a smart man and will go far with students if he embraces these values in his teaching style.


  1. Great post Aaron!

    Yes, we must listen to our students. This is a big part of one of our resounding themes in EDM 310, that we should be willing to learn with the students. If we think we are always right then there is no way we could listen to the students. As long as we are open minded and willing to learn then listening will come automatically. This is also one of the reasons reflection or "reflecting" as Mr. McClung has demonstrated in this post is an important part of being an effective teacher. The mindset of reflection invites openness and a willingness to listen for usable feedback or new ideas. SS

  2. I absolutely agree that we as teachers need to be flexible and communicate with our students, because every child is different and therefore learns in different ways. Listening to your students can only help the situation.
